Wild + Well-Fed Entrepreneur Workshop

Replay NOW available!

Are you excited and ready to step into the role of running your own wellness business, but you’re not sure where to start? Or maybe you already have your own business, but you’re feeling stuck, unsure, and struggling to grow. Maybe you’re even starting to feel unmotivated or you’re getting burnt out…

Join Laura and Annika for the Wild + Well-Fed Entrepreneur Workshop: two entrepreneurs sharing their real and raw experiences running successful six figure online-businesses for the past four years.

During the workshop, we'll be diving deep into all things business. We will be teaching you how we built our businesses from the ground up, our failure and success stories, what actually matters, the in’s and outs of social media and marketing, accounting and finances, business organization and automation, setting boundaries with clients, how to avoid burnout, utilizing different income streams, the emotional baggage of running your own business, and how to create relationships, community and happy clients.

The Wild + Well-Fed Entrepreneur Workshop is for you if…

  • You recently started your own business or are planning to soon

  • You are looking to grow your business online but are unsure how or why your content doesn't seem to be catching

  • You are providing a service and taking or plan on taking clients or patients

  • You are ready to have more freedom and not be tied to your business 24/7

  • You want to turn a part-time job into something more

  • You want to learn how to find your perfect clients without being salesy

  • You want to know what to prioritize and where to spend most of your energy

  • You want to learn about utilizing different income streams

  • You want to learn how to structure your days for maximum productivity and freedom

  • You want to learn about setting mental and emotional boundaries

  • You want to gain confidence in yourself and your business and be inspired 

  • You want to hear some juicy client horror stories and failures

  • You want to learn about proper client communication

  • You want to make sure you attracting the right client and what red flags to watch out for

  • You have no idea how to price offers at or what your worth is

  • You want to learn client management systems for less stress and ease

  • You want to understand how to balance masculine and feminine energy to avoid burnout

  • You want to create the perfect work and life balance

  • You want to learn about how to organize your business and work with clients through automations 

  • You struggle with taxes, accounting and finances and feel clueless on how to manage money

  • You want to scale your business and have a clearer picture of how to move forward for success

  • You want to learn about how to organize and set boundaries in your business to prevent stress and burnout

  • If you are selling products. This workshop will be most relevant for those that are taking clients, patients, working with people in a 1:1 atmosphere or those that are looking to move their business virtual. You do not need to be a nutritionist in order to take this workshop, but this would best fit you if you are in the health and wellness field.

  • If you are someone who already has a successful business, you feel you completely understand the ins-and-outs of your company and running a successful business, and feel pretty good about where you are headed.

This workshop is not for you if…

Workshop Curriculum:

Module 1:

  • Lesson 1: Welcome + introductions

  • Lesson 2: Social media, marketing + selling

  • Lesson 3: Business organization

  • Lesson 4: The client process + client management + Live Q+A (not just for nutritionists)

Module 2:

  • Lesson 1: Business operations (Accounting, finances, and taxes) with Collin Lyons

  • Lesson 2: Avoiding burnout, setting boundaries + structuring your day

  • Lesson 3: Balancing feminine and masculine energy + Live Q+A

What’s included:

  • Lifetime access to the replay videos from the 10 hour weekend workshop immersion with Laura + Annika

  • Workbook, resources and guides

  • Form and document templates you can use in your own practice

Workshop Testimonials:

More valuable than hiring a business coach for thousands of dollars! All you need is this 8 hour workshop.

You will make back the money you invest in this workshop just by getting one new client in your practice.

BONUS! This workshop can be written off as a business expense (education) on your taxes, saving you money.

Workshop Cost: $299

The workshop was originally priced $649.99 for those who attended live. Those who purchase the replay will save $350.99.

Meet The Team: Laura + Annika

Annika Nicole
Founder of Wild + Well-Fed Wellness Collective

Annika is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, an HTMA expert, and a recipe developer and cookbook author. She has helped hundreds of women rebalance their health through work with 1:1 clients and the Wild + Well-Fed membership community.

Laura is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Solutions Practitioner, HTMA and functional lab expert, creator and teacher of two online courses; Rewild Your Gut, Wild + Well-Fed Community Course and membership platform.

She has worked with hundreds of clients in a 1:1 setting, has ran a signature group program for two years, has been a mentor to other NTPs, and has created a thriving online community through social media platforms.

Laura Lyons
Founder of Wild + Well-Fed Wellness Collective